Please call the parish office at (360) 293-2101 or email [email protected] for all Baptism intake and scheduling.
Infant Baptism Request Forms are expected to be completed and returned to the Parish Office two to three months prior to the requested Baptism date; coordinating a baptism is a multi-month process.
Baptisms take place once monthly on the second Saturday of the month during Mass; however, per Archdiocesan guidelines, Baptisms will not be regularly scheduled during Advent or Lent.
You may begin the Baptism Intake process and attend the Baptism class before the child is born. Please be aware that a birth certificate or an offical hospital letter of birth is canonically required for baptisms at St. Mary, including full name, date and place of birth, and parent names. Required parental Baptism classes with the baptismal coordinator can be arranged through [email protected] with Fran Kendall.
Godparents must be fully initiated in the Catholic faith and provide the doccumentation reflecting sacramental status. Parents or godparents who are lacking sacraments are expected to work with St. Mary Parish staff to resolve these circumstances before the Baptism can be scheduled.
For children over the age of 7, the baptismal process is adapted for age (RCIC) and adult baptisms fall under the RCIA program; please see the seperate tab.
A list of the required forms are located under Documents in the menu to your left.